Rules & Regulations

  1. ISNS Banquet Hall can only be rented by completing the renting application form.
  2. Please note that this is an Islamic Center. When there is a call for prayer (adhan), everyone is requested to proceed to the Masjid for prayers.
  3. Food or drink inside the Masjid, Library, classrooms, and offices is strictly prohibited. The Masjid area is used strictly for praying. ONLY THE BANQUET HALL AND KITCHEN IS RENTED FOR USE.
  4. Any practice conflicting with the spirit and teachings of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is prohibited without exception. Playing musical instruments, songs, singing, dancing, and consuming alcoholic beverages within the boundaries of ISNS premises is not acceptable and such activities may lead to immediate expulsion from the premises.
  5. No sub-leasing of the ISNS hall is allowed. Adequate adult supervision is required for all youth and teen activities.
  6. Your rental is not guaranteed unless you pay the full rental amount and the required deposit. The ISNS management reserves the RIGHT TO CANCEL THE RESERVATION within 72 hours from the time such reservation has been made. Any incorrect information on the application form (online or paper) may result in the cancellation of the reservation.
  7. Your security deposit may be forfeited in part or in full for the following rental agreement violations:
    • If the party stays beyond the ending time stated on the application.
    • Canceling with less than 2 weeks prior to the date of the reservation.
    • If there is any structural damage to the facility and/or equipment.
    • If the hall/kitchen is left untidy/dirty and food and trash are not removed from the premises.
    • If the banquet hall is not returned in the condition it was given.
  8. ISNS is not responsible for any lost or stolen items/articles at the ISNS premises during the rental period. ISNS is not responsible for any personal and/or property damage occurring to the parties involved in attending a function at ISNS.
  9. For additional time, you must state that in the application and coordinate it with the building director for approval and rates, prior to the day of your event. You may rent the hall for an additional $60.00 per hour.
  10. If you need to cancel your reservation, please notify the center in writing at least 2 weeks prior to your reservation date. Emergency situations, which will result in cancellation, will be considered on a per-case basis.
  11. If you wish to decorate the hall, you may use only masking tape or 3M poster tape for any hanging decorations. No nails, thumbtacks, or anything that will damage the walls. No decorations are to be attached to the ceiling or sprinklers. Helium balloons may be used but must be removed from the facility at the end of the event.
  12. The person responsible for renting the hall (i.e., the person filling out the reservation form) must maintain order and security at all times while the facilities are being used. This responsibility includes ensuring the cleanliness of the hall, center grounds, and parking lot. The responsible person will be held accountable for any violations.
  13. The person responsible for renting the hall (i.e., the person filling out the reservation form) must maintain and ensure an orderly activity during the time that the facilities are being used. This responsibility includes the usage for the banquet hall, the community center grounds, and the parking lot. The responsible person (renter) must designate to the building director the name of the alternate person who will be onsite at the conclusion of the event to ensure that the facility is properly cleaned.
  14. The use of the kitchen is included in the hall rental. The stove is to be used for warming food only and not for cooking purposes. Do NOT leave behind any food, drinks, or any other leftovers.
  15. Please make sure that you make your own arrangements for loading/unloading of food and drink items. ISNS personnel will not be available for such work.
  16. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD THE FIRE EXITS BE BLOCKED. A FINE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED in addition to your rental if this rule is violated.

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